$59.00 USD
QuintEssential® 3.3 is 100% seawater and is typically used by individuals looking for an immediate revitalizing effect that supports exertion from major physical or mental tasks. QuintEssential® 3.3 offers the minerals needed to help cell renewal and contribute to normal muscle and digestive functions.
Life on planet Earth began 4 billion years ago in a vast primordial ocean. Today, humans carry this oceanic legacy within our bodies, our cells continuously bathed in a mineral-rich supporting fluid. Unfortunately, many aspects of modern-day life deplete our mineral levels, compromising our hydration and our health.
QuintEssential® 3.3, is a solution of hypertonic, cold micro-filtered 100% seawater, harvested from phytoplankton blooms located deep in the ocean. It is cold-sterilized to retain its healing properties, delivering naturally sterile, bioavailable minerals and marine-rich complexes to your cells. It rapidly restores balance to our “internal ocean”, revitalizing our bodies after intense physical and mental exertion while also supporting anabolic processes such as energy production, protein synthesis and bone formation. Discovered more than a century ago by renowned biologist René Quinton, it is the original raw, unheated, naturally balanced mineral and trace element product specifically created to nutritionally replenish your internal biological terrain (Bioterrain).*